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FedEx Surround - FedEx and Microsoft Join Forces to transform Commerce

On 18th May 2020, what we saw is FedEx and Microsoft join forces as they attempt to transform commerce by introducing to the world FedEx Surround. This solution will allow any business to enhance clarity and robustness into its supply chain by leveraging the power of data to provide near-real-time #analytics into shipment tracking. This will drive more precise logistics and inventory management. It is estimated that FedEx links more than 99% of the world’s gross domestic product network across the globe, and more than 95% of Global #Fortune500 companies trust Microsoft. As customer expectations are continuing to rise, with less tolerance for glitches of any kind, this platform will be a great rescue to the companies. This unparalleled level of data-driven insight will allow businesses to intervene and act early to avoid logistical slowdowns and reduce costs and become more resilient. #Coronavirus has given businesses a grave problem focused on remaining open and compe