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Showing posts from December, 2020

Story of Parle and History of Parle-G

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value," – said Albert Einstein. With its low price, strong Indian brand image, and high quality, Parle-G has ensured its consumers' high value. These unique products and many others have resulted in over 90 years of brand history and have made direct entry to our heart and soul. You don't stay 90 years in the Indian market until and unless you have something special in your products. Parle-G is unique for everyone, for all generations. We know it was one of the favorite biscuits of all 90's Kids, and their parents and grandparents for sure. Parle foundation was laid before India's independence many years ago. The company "Parle" was started in 1929 by Mohan Lal Dayal. He was distraught with the British tactics in which foreign goods were sold at a very high cost everywhere in the Indian market. The Swadeshi movement influenced him. At that time, candy was very trendy in the Indian market, and He d